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Unit II: The Social Experience - Beyond the Personal Goals
"Understanding Others"
Every person is part of the larger society and is shaped by and responsible to it. Students examine, critique, and interrogate the society in which they live and consider the actions students can take to create the kind of society in which they would like to live.

i. Dealing with Universal Issues

Individually we are each affected by the concepts of ‘truth’ and ‘justice.’ For everyone there are times when life simply is not fair, and the truth is not what we want to hear; or it has been distorted beyond recognition.  Take a moment to reflect on a situation that you experienced or know of, when telling the truth wasn’t enough or justice failed you.  How we respond to these moments goes a long way in defining who we are as members of society.

  • How do we define “truth”? What are the important truths in life?

  • How do we define “justice”? Why is justice often hard to achieve? Is justice fair? Infallible?


Introduction to Multimedia Project via Inquiry

(CR B30.1/CC B30.1/30.2/30.3)

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